Friday, 26 September 2014

Panic in Liberian villages as two Ebola victims 'rise from the dead'

There's currently panic, fear and confusion in
two villages in Nimba County in Liberia after
reports that two female Ebola victims have risen
from the dead.
According to local reports, 44 year old Dorris
Quoi who lived in Hope Village Community and a
67 year old woman identified as Ma Kebeh, died
of the Ebola virus and were about to be taken for
burial when they resurrected and are now
walking among the living.
According to reports in a local newspaper, New
Dawn, Ma Kebeh had been indoors for two nights
without food and medication before her death,
while Dorris had suffered for several weeks
before she died alone in her family home. This is
the first report of dead Ebola victims
resurrecting. Despite some people's reservations
about the story being true, it hasn't stopped
them from panicking

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